Marcel Taton
view gallery
Spring Expo 2024
Marcel Taton (1957) is a self-taught Belgian sculptor and engineer.
He graduated as an artist & interior designer. He started his career at the Charlier foundry in Herstal (B) where he became fascinated for working with bronze.
Nowadays, he first makes clay or wax models to design his artworks. The clay models are replaced with wax. After that he uses the wax models to create casting moulds for the bronze (Lost wax technique). So, his artworks are always unique pieces.
The artist not only uses bronze for his sculptures but he sometimes combines it with different materials as: pieces of wood, glass, books, documents, antiques, etc.
These are satirical assemblages of his dream world and the expression of the sculptures are often linked to moods on human faces.
The finishing and the patina after casting of the bronze sculptures is always done in his own studio called: “La Maternité”.
Solo expositions around the world amongst others:
Belgium: Spa, Luik, Seraing, Ostend, Brussels, Antwerp, Gent, Tongeren & Durbuy France: Paris, Beaune, Nice; Netherlands: Maastricht, Utrecht, Amsterdam & The Hague. U.S.A.: New York & California Luxembourg, Monaco & Switzerland.
Monumental artworks of Marcel can be found in Waremme, Huy, Ostend & Monac
Exhibition : 26-02-2015 > 11-05-2015
Sculptures de contes de fées du maître de la métarmorphose
“Après les balbutiements de l’enfance, nécessaires pour sentir la matière et découvrir ses liens avec la forme et le volume, c’est la photo qui va amorcer le dialogue du jeune homme avec la création artistique.
Le recul que le temps nous donne aujourd’hui nous permet de découvrir qu’il s’agit là d’un carrefour : des voies amènent l’artiste débutant de ce qui est déjà un passé vers des directions parmi lesquelles il devra choisir“
(A. Moxhet)…
Fairy-like sculptures by the master of metarmorphosis
“Since beginning of childhood, he instinctively feels the connection with the variety of existing materials. There is an impulse to discover links between form and content. The dialog in his first creations starts with photography.
Since then, he has crossed many roads, leading to a diversity in his work, never seen before. Exceptional directions, only he will choose ”
(A. Moxhet)
Sprookjesachtige sculpturen van de meester van de metarmorfose
“Sinds zijn jeugd voelt hij instinctief een verbintenis tussen de verscheidenheid van verschillende materialen. Er is een impuls om verbanden tussen vorm en inhoud te ontdekken. De dialoog in eerste creaties begint met fotografie.
Sindsdien heeft hij vele wegen begaan, wat leidde tot een nog nooit eerder geziene diversiteit in zijn werk. Exceptionele richtingen, die hij alleen zou kiezen “
(A. Moxhet)